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Ask Leopold: Episode #3

After nearly one year of recollecting the best questions to answer the curiosity of people, Leopold is finally back to answer over 30 questions from the Youtube people!

IMPORTANT: For the sake of having the series rolling again as soon as possible, post your questions in the comments here for episode 4. However, I'm also including the rules I established in regards to question posting for this series:

  1. Only one question per person

  2. All of the questions will be directed towards the character of Leopold Slikk

  3. Questions that had been already responded, will be ignored

  4. Only AGKavm2000's AGK series' universe will be the bases for answering the questions

  5. Be free to ask whatever you want

That would be all. You can also post your questions in either this tweet from my twitter or in the youtube page or WeVidi page of the video. I'll see you all soon with episode 4. ;)


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