Who are you?
I'm a twenty-something year old small content creator who started in the career of creating either videos or artwork for the internet since the age of 13. Ever since I've started, I have been on a constant road of improvement; finding ways in which I can refine my work and perfect plenty of my self-taught skills.
My videos mainly consist of remixing or creating stories through the use of viral videos, exisiting material or images found over the internet or either the creation of small animations or random videos. As I previously mentioned, I'm also an artist, creating simple drawings of silly cartoon horses or anthropomorphic animals.
While I'm currently doing this for free, I'm seeing if it's posible to make my content viable as an economic source.

What do you do?
In terms of videos, I make Angry german kid parodies, Downfall parodies and Pivot animations. From time to time, I do the occational Pony video maker video or anything random that is, or delve into the waters of experimenting into a genre outside of parodies and remixing already existing sources.
In terms of art, I frequently do drawings of either my pony OC: Pony video maker; or my wolf OC: Balin The Wolf. From time to time, I make a drawing that isn't focused on neither of the two, mostly as a gift for a friend of mine, due to a raffle I announced earlier or of a character I really like.

What are Angry German Kid parodies?
It's a meme genre that consists of using the viral video of the same name, in order of creating either a simple, grounded to reality and relatable story with the character of Leopold Slikk, or an absurd, exagerated and dumb story.
I usually tend to combine both types of stories: Make something simple become absurd, exagerate certain things about our reality and create a story that is relatable in one side but dumb on the other.

What are Downfall parodies?
Like the AGK parodies, it's another meme genre that consists of taking clips from the 2004 movie "Downfal" (Or "Der Untergang" as it's known in it's country of origin) and putting the most evil person in history, Adolf Hitler, in humiliating, stupid and bizarre situations; while at the same time, potraying him and his lackeys as completly incompetent, pathetic or at times as punching bags for the whole world to mess up.
My parodies usually tend to follow the same estructure and formula as others in the genre but as of lately, I've been putting a bit of that unique flavor that I'm known for.

What are your pivot animations about?
Funny enough, my pivot animations don't tend to have a complex or any story whatsover, they are just usually a single silly skit or a collection of random and silly skits. Most of the estructures of the animations are mostly in the form of a joke: You have a set up and you have a punchline. At times it does have some sort of small tale in that estructure and in other times, it's simply random stuff just happening out of the blue.
Though, I do have it in my plans to slowly dip my toes into using Pivot as a medium to creating stories and worlds rather than just doing whatever random thing my mind has in store.

What other type of videos do you do?
From time to time, I tend to do a quick but random Pony video maker video or a simple and fun YTP from time to time, depending in the mood I'm in.
However, I do like getting out of my comfort zone, like doing a Top 6 or Top 10 on any particular subject I'm interested in, do a video in the TTS genre, record myself doing a speedpaint for one of my drawings, blog about something that is in my mind or showcasing something in my surroundings or simply creating a small to the point shitpost video. Whatever is in my mind, I tend to consider it for a future video.

How frequent do you post?
Not too frequent I'm afraid...I used to post loads of stuff back on my teenage years but as I kept growing up, my personal life got a lot more busy, which consumed alot of the time I used to have for anything. There's also the fact that my quality standards had changed alot aswell, which makes me take as much time as needed to make something until I see it's ready to be posted

History about myself (So far)
While bored one day, on November 11th, 2011, at the age of 11, I decided to do an AGK video inspired after hours of watching and loving AngryGermanKid82/SkilesTV. My first attempt on an AGK episode was made on Windows Movie Maker; it was so bad, that I decided not to upload it because people would have tear it apart, and for good reason.
On September 21st, 2012, now at the age of 12, I've decided to give AGK videos another shot, this time with Sony Vegas Pro 8. The results were better as there were more characters and a better story that it inspired me to make 10 more AGK videos and a couple of Downfall Parodies, but I didn't upload the videos until early 2013.
On March 3rd, 2013, I've opened my first YouTube account and uploaded the videos I made back from September 2012 through February 2013. My videos were successful enough to achieve 100 subscribers in a couple of months, and from that point, it increased faster and faster.
By December 2013, it was a big time for the oldest channel I had, it reached 400 subscribers and was pretty close to 500, the feedback became stronger and by this time, I've created a pony OC, which would be eventually known as the Pony video maker.
However, on the morning of January 5th, 2014, the oldest channel I had got unfairly terminated; I felt a bit broken from the inside since almost 1 year of work got taken down from Youtube. Luckily, I could still log in to YouTube, because of an account that was created due to the Google+ update from more than 10 years ago, which allowed me to restart from scratch. I still took a break for a week and a half to recover from this and take a vacation from my personal life (also known as middle school).
On February 4th, 2014, I uploaded the first episode of the current AGK series on a new account. However, most of the characters and status quo changes from the previous AGK series were going to be removed or given a minor change, like:
In the old AGK series, Leopold started as a 7th grader and passed to 8th grade, while in the new series, Leopold starts as an 8th grader and passes to 9th grade.
Leonidas and Sarah were introduced as characters that were released from the mental hospital/prison but in this series they were already living with Leopold, his parents and little brother.
Leopold had multiple teachers within' the subject on the old series, while in the new series, he only has one teacher for all subjects (Mr. Fuxface).
Leopold met Stephen Quire and Ronald Ramirez during 7th and 8th grade on the old series, while in the new one, Leopold already knew and met them.
Harold's workmate in the old series was named John, while in the new one he is called Randy Randolf (Jake's dad).
In the old AGK series, Leopold and his family moved to a new house, while in the new one, Leopold and his family had already lived in the new house for a long time.
The only characters that were never removed for the new series were Stephen Quire, Ronald Ramirez, Sarah, Leonidas and Drunkass, and changes like Leopold moving to a new house on the old series was never changed with the old house or a new one in this series.
After some time after the termination of the oldest channel, the other channel managed to get the number of subscribers I've previously had, but it didn't stop there, that very same channel became even more successful than the previous one, the feedback became more stronger which allowed me to improve a lot. On August 31st, 2014, I got a new computer, which was faster and had a huge hard drive installed, probably the perfect PC for a content creator, which allowed me to make videos faster and keep my followers more often entertained.
However, that came into a halt when in May 29th, 2015, I got one video flagged, which caused me to get a Community Guidelines strike that forbidden me from uploading videos longer than 15 minutes and use custom thumbnails, I tried to appeal against the strike, but it was rejected, which forced me to deal with the strike for 6 months. Didn't helped that by August 2015, my studies passed to a new level; I became a high school student, which such consumed my time to do any new videos. On the verge of November 2015, my CG strike had expired, but by that time, my inspiration for making any news videos went totally downhill for the time being until February 23rd, 2016, which returned and allowed me to create more content although in a more slower pace
From 2016 through 2020, things were more typical for me and the channel, I've kept on creating videos; by late 2016, my interest on creating art returned after being silent for years, could successfully end my studies as a high schooler and pass to college, and the channel kept on growing as the years went on...
Until on October 23rd, 2020, the original channel that I've mentioned throughout this section ended up being taken down due to getting false flagged by YouTube. I've spread the word on Twitter about this and to YouTube team to get the channel back...but unfortunately, they still kept it suspended because "they think" it violated their community guidelines, and after that uninformed decision was given to me, on December 18th, 2020, I was forced to return with a new YouTube account, where videos from the previous channel were re-uploaded and I continued from where I left off.
Thankfully, with luck seemingly on my side, the original YouTube account where I formed myself as a content creator, made a sudden return on July 8th, 2024; Allowing me again to post any of my new creations, with the possibility of being seen by many, yet again. Regardless, the future remains uncertain considering YouTube's strict rules...so I went out of my way to repurpose the new channel I was posting some of my recent stuff during the time the original channel was gone, as a backup channel; as well going out of my way to promote any YouTube alternatives where I can be found at, as a second way to watch my content, in case this event were to repeat for a third time
And that would be the history so far, with how the future tends to be, this section of the "about" page will eventually be updated in order to retell any new developments. So be sure to turn in for such.

Who is Pony video maker?
Pony video maker is my...well, pony OC (Shocking right?); his debut on any of my works dates back to December 18th, 2013, on a simple but outdated update video of all places.
He is just your every day pegasus. Pony video maker as everyone calls him is a video maker residing on Ponyville; he likes to hang out with his friends either by going out with them or filming for a new video. He can be friendly, chill, caring, shy, silly or egocentrical among other traits depending on the mood or situation he's currently in, with his most common trait, being his obssesion over his own butt. He is also known for being pretty skilled with cameras and video editors and is currently dating and in a love relationship with Vinyl Scratch

Who is Balin The Wolf?
Balin the wolf is...shockingly enough, my wolf OC; he was originally created in "Sonic Forces" character editor but his debut on anything related to my work coincidentally also dates back to December 18th, 2017
Balin is a blue wolf that likes things to be easy going, he has many interests and hobbies, mainly videogames. He's known for being loyal and friendly with either his friends or with new folks (Though he can be pretty shy in some cases), even when he doesn't understand concepts like nudism or can't get into hobbies like skateboarding, he is still willing to support them for who they are.